All about
Alpaca Poo
Alpaca Poo is often referred to as “beans” because it actually looks like little black beans. Some even refer to it as “magic beans” because it is such a fantastic plant food and soil conditioner.
Commercial fertilizers are labelled for their N-P-K content. These letters stand for: Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium. Alpaca poo naturally has all three of these primary nutrients, but in smaller percentages than commercial fertilizers. This is good not only for plants, but for the earth.
High nitrogen levels can cause chemical burns to the root system of plants. This burn is often referred to as “heat”. Heat can damage or kill the plants in your garden and landscape. Therefore, you can safely apply large portions of alpaca poo to your plants without damaging them. Alpaca poo also contains secondary nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, and sulphur that supplement a plant’s feeding needs.
Additionally, you can make Alpaca Tea…
What the poo can do...
- Great for soil
Alpaca poo loosens hard clay soil and binds sandy soil. No matter your soil type, alpaca poo will improve how water holds and moves.
- Perfect for plants
Alpaca poo doesn’t burn plants. Using alpaca beans or compost won’t damage your plants. Alpaca poo carries secondary nutrients into your soil and plants that aren’t found in commercial fertilisers.
Alpaca Beans vs Compost
Alpaca Beans can be added to any soil mixture before or after planting. Food-grade plants, use beans or compost before planting. For all other plants, beans or compost can be added at any time without harming your plants.
Adding beans: place them in a ring shape around the base of your plant. The only thing you have to do is keep the beans wet. IF they dry out, they will be as hard as coffee beans, but if you keep them wet, the red wiggly worms will love them and “do their thing” really quickly.
The Healing Herd alpacas work around the clock to bring you the best in alpaca poo!
"Miracle Magic Beans"
Can I say how grateful I am for last years supply of the magic beans from your Alpacas. In the 8 years I have had my Allotment it was the best year ever. It could be applied direct without composting, watered down to make liquid fertiliser or mixed in the compost bins. My greens were fantastic, the asparagus crop was huge, onions & shallots were amazing and root vegetables simply superb. All the beds are now dug and prepared for the new season and I reckon are about 30/30/40 alpaca poo/leaf mould & compost/soil. My compost bins are filling up again ready to replenish everywhere at the end of this year. Thought you might like a few photos of how it looks now and examples of carrots and parsnips plus contents of one of my compost bins.
Peter, from Salisbury
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